We are proud to be sponsored by Easy On Rugs, an Australian owned family business manufacturing quality, hard wearing custom made rugs with a great fit, providing your horse with comfort all year round.
To see our product range: https://adamsutton.com.au/product-category/shay-d-rugs/
How to introduce your horse to wearing a rug.
Its important for the handler to have a cool, calm and relaxed disposition and mindset as your young horse will probably get a fright at first with these objects on his body. Remain patient and keep repeating the process until they are accepting of the towel, blanket, rug etc.
Start with it folded in half, then slowly open it up and let them move around
Use a soft role & rub it around and under and up and down legs, walking around also like this
Let them get the feel of it being thrown over hind quarters and pulled up body, leave straps un done, walk around to get used to the feel of this hanging down over their body.
Start by securing the front strap loosely, then move to clipping up hind straps, cross leg straps over and ensure good movable length of strap, not to tight or too loose, Re tighten front strap and slid over hood and secure.
Job done.
Thank you to Melrose Park Inferno for being our model with is first time wearing a rug.
Thank you to Lynn & Ross form Easy on rugs for supplying our horses with top quality ad great fitting Aussie made rugs for all seasons..